For established solopreneurs, freelancers, and service providers...

🏖 Design Your 6-Figure
Lifestyle Business

Less Hours. More Profit. More Freedom.

Finally, stop trading time for money.

Cohort 6 of 🏖How To Work Less begins on Monday, January 8th.

Enroll in our January Cohort

💬 What Our Alumni Are Saying... 💬

We've helped 281 past students design the lifestyle business of their dreams.

⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

In my 4-week live online program, you'll learn the exact systems, strategies, and tools you need to transform your business into a six-figure lifestyle business.

In just 4 Weeks you'll:


Scale your business without working more hours.


Create systems that run your business for you.


Do the things you love and delegate the work you don't.

Are you tired of:

⌛ Feeling like there’s never enough time during the day?

💸 Not making enough money, even when you're "charging what you're worth?"

🤔 Working late & weekends, when you're supposed to be your own boss?

🤹 Juggling 20 different roles as the “Chief Everything Officer”?

🏢 Working “in” your business, instead of “on” your business?

👥 Struggling to delegate because no one does it like you can?

👉 Struggling to decide what to prioritize and what to ignore?

💭 Obsessing about work, even when you’re “off”?

📝 Feeling overwhelmed by your endless to-do list?

🏖️ Never experiencing the true freedom that self-employment was supposed to provide you?

So was I.

👋 Hey there! I'm

Rich Webster

I’m a designer, agency-owner, and entrepreneur.

From all-nighters, to burnout, to 70+ hour weeks, I’ve been there.

Today, I spend less than 20 hours a week running TWO multi-six figure businesses.

Now I’m obsessed with teaching people how they can do it too.


My Life Then

I’ve always loved being self-employed.

I love the freedom, the creativity, and the limitless potential.

I would always say, “I’m happy to work double the hours as long as I’m my own boss.

Be careful what you wish for.

I traded in 40 hours a week for working 24/7.

I started my design business looking for freedom and flexibility.

Instead, I built myself a job.

I was trapped in my business.

Every time I tried to take on more clients or make more money, I ran into a roadblock.

My time.

In 2015, I was at my breaking point.

I was working into the nights, on weekends, and was constantly feeling burnt out and overwhelmed.

I was so stressed and frustrated, because I was working 70 hour weeks and still only making just enough to get by.

The worst part was, I’d look back on another 10 hour day, and realize I got nothing important done.

Sure I put out fires, answered emails, and looked like I was working, but what did I have to show for it?

I hit rock bottom.

They say when the pain gets great enough, we're finally willing to change.

And I did.

That was the day I decided to take action and create a business that still worked without me.

Instead of spending all my time working “in” my business, I started working “on” it.

That’s how I created 🏖How To Work Less.


My Life Now

Things can change fast.

Last year my design agency had its best year ever.

I brought in over half a million dollars, while working just 10-15 hours a week.

My work appeared in The New York Times, MSNBC, CNN, etc. 

My videos were viewed over 100 million times.

I worked with celebrities including Baron Davis, Chance The Rapper, Larry King, Bernie Sanders, and Carly Fiorina.

But more importantly, I have true freedom.

I work when I want to work, and stop when I want to stop.

My business works when I'm not working.

My tiny team (supported by the systems I built) can handle it all - design, development, video production, and bookkeeping.

But did I just get lucky? I had to find out.

In 2022, I did it again.

I built a second multi-six-figure business and grew a social media audience of over 130,000 in 18 months (in less than 10 hours a week).

The best part?

I used the exact same systems, templates, frameworks, and concepts you'll learn in this course.

I am so excited to teach you how to apply my Work Less system to your business, and finally create the profitable lifestyle business you've been dreaming of.

The sky is the limit when you have the right guide.

Are you finally ready to build the lifestyle business of your dreams?

Let's build it together.

Here’s how the Work Less System has changed my life:

🗓 I take a full week off every quarter and work four day weeks most weeks.

🏝 I work from wherever I want.

🧘 I have time to meditate, exercise, travel, walk, read, learn and grow.

🍽 I don't have to check my bank account when I go out to eat at a fancy restaurant.

👾 I was able to pursue my hobby of being a pro gamer and won major tournaments & cash.

💼 My wife was able to quit her 9-5 job and start her own business.

🏢 I own my business, and it doesn't own me.

⬆️ Four weeks from now, this could be you! ⬆️

How To Work Less helped me double my profit within 14 days.

Now I easily make 6-figures working less than 20 hours a week.

Additionally, I gained clarity on my business & marketing strategy - which gives me the freedom to pursue my dream of building Traditional Self-Reliance.

If this course cost 10x more, I'd still would have bought it!

- Davor Egyed, Independent Webflow Developer,

Rich's work has been featured in:

"I can work 20 hours a week doing less and making more money 🙏🏽 Thank you!"

Geraldine Franco

CEO, Geraldine & Co

"I’ve closed $67,500 in new deals in October. And it’s only the 6th."

Jose Rosado

Content Creator & Online Marketer

"It turns out my business really only needs 15 hours of focused time from me per week!" ⏰

Chelsea Mae Cullen

Founder, Lean With Plants

What is a Lifestyle Business? 🏖

A Lifestyle Business has three components:

1. Designed around your
personal lifestyle goals.


2. Aims to get maximum results from minimal input.


3. Prioritizes profit and free time over vanity metrics.

If you're self-employed, you're the perfect candidate to have a lifestyle business.

You just need one thing...

Want a Lifestyle Business? You'll need...

The Work Less
System 🏖

The Work Less System is my trademark 4-Step Process that transforms any stressful solo business into a profitable lifestyle business.

You can't get it anywhere else.

Here's how it works:

🚀 Step 1. Get absolute clarity on what you REALLY want from your business and life. (Productivity)
Step 2. Remove all the things you hate doing. Bad clients, stressful projects, admin work, etc. (Boundaries)
🛠 Step 3. Design effortless systems that run every aspect of your business for you. (Systems)
🏗 Step 4. Gain leverage through delegation & automation, so each hour you work delivers 10x the results. (Leverage)

What you do with all your new free time is up to you!

🏖How To Work Less gives you the exact steps, guidance, templates, resources, and implementation to apply my Work Less System to your business, transforming it into a profitable Lifestyle Business.

Rich is the real deal. He lives what he preaches and has hyper optimized his life to do more in less time.

Chris Do

Founder & CEO, The Futur

2m+ YouTube, 850k Instagram

Rich is THE ambassador of work smarter, not harder.

Jamie Brindle

Entrepreneur & Agency Owner

133k Instagram, 222k TikTok

I'm not sure where my public career or business would be without Rich, and to be honest, I don't want to find out.

Richard Fowler

TV Personality & Forbes Contributor


How To Work Less

🏖How To Work Less is a 4-week 🔴LIVE cohort-based business course where I’ll teach (and help you implement) everything you need to transform your solo business into a profitable lifestyle business.

During the 4 week experience, you’ll enjoy 8+ unforgettable live sessions with me, while connecting with likeminded community members on the same path.

You'll get the exact frameworks, systems, strategies, templates, and tools I use to run 2 multi-six figure businesses in under 5 hours a day.

I’ve shared these concepts with more than 281 past students, 347,000 social media followers, and countless private coaching clients, who have all been able to transform their life and their business with my help.

How To Work Less

The Curriculum



👨‍🏫 A crash course in productivity (without reading 100 business books).

🎨 How to use the Work Less Formula to design a lifestyle business.

✅ My Right Thing Framework to know exactly what to work on, each day.

⏰ The 5 simple steps to work a 5 Hour Day.

⚖️ How to use the 80/20 Principle to get more done in less time.

🎁 Bonuses

📑 NOTION TEMPLATE: The 5 Hour Day Planner

✍️ WORKSHEET: Design Your Life

📑 NOTION TEMPLATE: 80/20 Worksheet



🙅‍♀️ How to say NO with zero guilt.

🗓 How to take meetings one day a week.

📭 How to live in inbox zen using the exact strategies I use to spend less than 10 minutes a day on emails.

🛑 How to set boundaries with clients, employees, and yourself, so you’re never “always on call” again.

🎁 Bonuses

📑 NOTION TEMPLATE: Client Portal

🗂 DATABASE: 50 Ways To Say "No"

📑 NOTION TEMPLATE: Communication Policies



⚙️ Create Solopreneur Systems to optimize every part of your business.

🤖 How to automate what you repeat.

💰 How to optimize your Profit System to make more profit per project.

🌟 How to calculate your EHR (Effective Hourly Rate), your north star for every decision you make in your business.

🎁 Bonuses

📑 NOTION TEMPLATE: Solopreneur Systems Database

🎬 VIDEO TRAINING: 60 Minute Sales Masterclass

🔖 RESOURCE: Automation Tools




🤑 How to spend money to buy back time, even if you don’t have a ton of money.

👥 How to build a rock solid all-star virtual team that will increase your output by 10x for 1/10 of the cost, with no risk.

🤝 How to hire and vet freelancers using my secret database of outsourcing companies.

👍 Use the exact tools I trust to manage my team flawlessly with one short meeting a week.

🎁 Bonuses

📑 NOTION TEMPLATE: Freelancer & VA Guide

🗂 DATABASE: Freelancer & VA Hiring Database

🔖 RESOURCE: 50 Ways To Spend $ To Buy Time


Work Less Library

Self-study mini-course library for those who want a deep dive on a specific topic.

Includes these lessons:

👀 Destroy Distractions

🔋 Effortless Energy

✴️ Fearless Focus

💰 Sales Systems

🗓 The 5 Hour Day

Time Audit


Guest Workshops

Advanced workshops with world-class subject matter experts.

Upcoming workshops include:

⚖️ Legal Workshop

🤖 Automation Masterclass

🏖 Lifestyle Design Workshop


What You'll Get

👨‍🏫 8 Unforgettable Live Sessions with Rich

This is NOT an ordinary boring lecture. Expect live polls & quizzes, GIFs, emoji reactions, interactive agendas, videos, breakouts, and much more. And if you can’t attend live, don’t worry! All recordings will be uploaded to the course portal. I charge $1000/hr+ to teach this system to my private coaching clients.



🧰 Notion Toolkit: 21 Templates Plus Worksheets, Resources & Exercises

Back for Cohort 6 is our celebrated Notion Toolkit. Alongside each session, you'll get worksheets, resources, and exercises to guarantee you get results, including 21 Custom Notion Templates. Never used Notion? We've got a guide for you.



👥 How To Work Less Circle Community

Share wins, get support, and network in our exclusive Work Less Circle Community. Past students call our community "amazing," "supportive," and "the icing on the cake."



👨‍🏫 Weekly Async Office Hours with Rich

Have your questions answered and get extra support from Rich weekly in during our async office hours sessions in the course community.



🎬 BONUS Live Sessions with Rich

Exclusive access to a bonus live session with Rich. What is it? You'll have to enroll to find out!



📚 INSTANT ACCESS: The Work Less Library

Self-study mini-course library for those who want a deep dive on a specific topic. Includes over 20 hours of additional content!



👥 INSTANT ACCESS: Guest Workshops

Ongoing advanced workshops with world-class subject matter experts. Past topics: Legal, Automation, Freelancing, Lifestyle Design (replays available). Upcoming workshops include:
🤖 How To Work Less with AI, 📬 Email Marketing Masterclass, 🛍️ How To Get Sponsors



🎁 32 Additional Incredible Bonus Resources

These incredible bonuses, including my systems, templates, cheatsheets, step-by-step guides, and videos, are worth the price of admission alone. See the full list below:

🎁 Notion: Design Your Life

🎁 Guide: The Work Less Formula

🎁 Guide: The Right Thing Framework

🎁 Notion: 80/20 Worksheet

🎁 Notion: 5 Hour Day Planner

🎁 Guide: The 80/20 Rule

🎁 Guide: The 5 Hour Day

🎁 Notion: 50 Foolproof Templates To Say No

🎁 Guide: How To Say "No"

🎁 Guide: The Not To Do List

🎁 Notion: Communication Policy

🎁 Notion: Client-Facing Portal

🎁 Notion: Meeting Template

🎁 Guide: How To Take Meetings 1 Day A Week

🎁 Guide: How To Batch Messages

🎁 Notion: Solopreneur Systems Database

🎁 Resource: Automation Tools

🎁 Guide: Solopreneur Systems

🎁 Notion: EHR Calculator & Spreadsheet

🎁 Guide: Referral Scripts

🎁 Notion: 50 Ways To Spend Money To Buy Time

🎁 Notion: Manager Manual

🎁 Guide: How To Hire Freelancers

🎁 Guide: How To Hire VAs/Admin

🎁 Guide: How To Manage A Team

🎁 Notion: Freelance Database

🎁 Notion: Simple Project Manger

🎁 Resource: The Work Less Manifesto 

🎁 Replay: Clubhouse Masterclass with Chris Do

🎁 Replay: Building A Productive Business Case Study

🎁 Guide: Rich's Key Productivity Tools

🎁 Guide: Productivity Books Guide



🏝 The Business Of Your Dreams


  • Working 10 to 20 hour weeks, while delegating the rest to a trusted team.
  • Traveling without worrying that everything will fall apart while you are gone.
  • Have a wide open calendar, where you decide if any meetings end up on it.
  • Owning a highly profitable business, with plenty of margins to cover your expenses, save for the future, invest in your goals, and even treat yourself when you want to.
  • Having the time and energy to explore new ideas that interest you, to learn new skills, and pursue new passions.

That's what 🏖How To Work Less is all about.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your life and business forever.



Total How To Work Less Value: $20,000

Your Investment: $1999

Secure Your Spot Now

Enroll in our 🔴 LIVE January 8th Cohort.

Limited seats are remaining.




🎬 Live Experience - Eight LIVE interactive workshops with Rich.

🏖 The Work Less System - All of our proprietary Strategies, Tools, Templates, Frameworks, and Systems you can't get anywhere else!

🧰 Notion Toolkit - Including 21 Notion templates, lesson summaries, worksheets, exercises, and more!

⏰ Weekly Office Hours - Four async office hours sessions with Rich.

📚 INSTANT ACCESS: The Work Less Library - Self-study deep dive mini-course library.

👥 INSTANT ACCESS: Guest Workshops - Advanced workshops with subject matter experts.

⭕️ 12 month access to the HTWL Circle Community

📸 12 month access to this cohort's recordings and program materials

🎁 ALL Bonuses - Including 32 bonus resources and bonus LIVE session

$1999* $3,000

or 6 payments of $375

*$500 partner discount applied

Secure My Spot For January 8th




🥇 EVERYTHING in Premium ⬅️

🧠 VIP Mentorship Package
12 Months of Mentorship, Implementation & Consulting with Rich

Package includes:
📝 2 Hour Full Immersion Strategy & Planning Session with Rich
🗓 Weekly Office Hours Calls
☎️ 1:1 Async Hotline to Rich

✅ FREE access to ALL future live cohorts

$10,000 $15,000

payment plans available

Money Back Promise

Rich's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee 🤝

I want your investment in this program to be an absolute no-brainer.

So, if you watch the lessons, take action with the program materials (that means DOING the assignments), and still don’t find the program massively valuable, drop me an email and I'll happily refund your full payment within 15 days of the first lesson (before January 23).

There is no-risk, just show up. If you’re not happy or seeing results, reach out for a full refund, no questions asked.

The only risk for you now, is the risk of inaction.

I have a tremendous program prepared for you, and I can’t wait to see you on January 8.

What I've been putting off in my business for years, Rich helped me accomplish in just 4 weeks. This course really lit a fire in my soul.

In 4 weeks I have:
- Hired two junior designers (which I desperately needed)
- Re-designed my website (been putting it off for a year)
- Structure a new retainer offering which I'm super stoked about
- Doubled my prices for branding (and yes, someone already booked)
- Learned how to move forward as a business owner.

This course truly teaches you how to work less, and make more. Go Rich!

- Alyssa Brady, Founder, Brand & Bloom

You get access to...

The Work Less System

All of my proprietary Systems, Tools, Templates, Frameworks, and Strategies you can't get anywhere else!

8 Live Sessions w/ Rich

Join me live for 8 unforgettable sessions during Cohort 4 of How To Work Less.

The Notion Toolkit

Includes 21 Notion templates, lesson summaries, worksheets, exercises, and more!

Weekly Office Hours

Get extra support during four async office hours sessions with Rich.

The Work Less Library

Our regularly updated self-study mini-course library, which includes over 20 hours of deep dive lessons.

Guest Workshops

Advanced workshops with world-class subject matter experts.

12 Month Access!

12 months access to the course replays, resources, bonuses, and community.

$5,000 of Bonuses

Including 32 incredible bonuses, plus TWO bonus LIVE sessions with Rich!

Your Dream Business

Everything you need to design your own profitable lifestyle business.

This course has completely transformed my business.

I have made more strides in the last 2 months than in the last 5 years of hard work and researching similar info from a wide range of sources. This is the first time it really stuck.

Just 4 weeks in...
- I had my biggest billing month ever.
- Negotiated my first profit share deal.
- Pitched a fortune 500 company a retainer.

I really don't think any of that would have happened without this course.

It's a game changer, and I'm so grateful I took it.

- Taylor Widmann, Founder, Ghost Post

Some things to consider...


Limited Spots Available!

Based on our waitlist of over 2,000+ people, Cohort 6 will sell out. Don't wait until it's too late to enroll!


LAST TIME teaching LIVE!

Cohort 6 is the LAST TIME that Rich will be teaching the core curriculum live! Don’t miss out on this transformative experience with Rich.


Exclusive Pricing

This is exclusive Partner pricing for our 6th Cohort. Due to student success, our prices have increased every Cohort so far, and we don't expect to stop any time soon.


"I wish I had this 5 years ago."

The next four weeks are going to pass no matter what. Don't look back and realize this opportunity could have changed your life and your business forever.

💸 ATTENTION: This may be a business expense. 💸

Many 🏖How To Work Less students have been able to write off online courses as education expenses. Always consult with your accountant, bookkeeper, or tax professional, but we are happy to assist you with this process and provide documentation

Secure Your Spot Now

Enroll in our 🔴 LIVE January 8th Cohort.

Limited seats are remaining.




🎬 Live Experience - Eight LIVE interactive workshops with Rich.

🏖 The Work Less System - All of our proprietary Strategies, Tools, Templates, Frameworks, and Systems you can't get anywhere else!

🧰 Notion Toolkit - Including 21 Notion templates, lesson summaries, worksheets, exercises, and more!

⏰ Weekly Office Hours - Four async office hours sessions with Rich.

📚 INSTANT ACCESS: The Work Less Library - Self-study deep dive mini-course library.

👥 INSTANT ACCESS: Guest Workshops - Advanced workshops with subject matter experts.

⭕️ 12 month access to the HTWL Circle Community

📸 12 month access to this cohort's recordings and program materials

🎁 ALL Bonuses - Including 32 bonus resources and bonus LIVE session

$1999* $3,000

or 6 payments of $375

*$500 partner discount applied




🥇 EVERYTHING in Premium ⬅️

🧠 VIP Mentorship Package
12 Months of Mentorship, Implementation & Consulting with Rich

Package includes:
📝 2 Hour Full Immersion Strategy & Planning Session with Rich
🗓 Weekly Office Hours Calls
☎️ 1:1 Async Hotline to Rich

✅ FREE access to ALL future live cohorts

$10,000 $15,000

payment plans available

Your Burning Questions Answered

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the program start?

The four-week program starts on Jan. 8 and runs until Feb. 5. Live sessions will be held twice a week, on Mondays and Fridays at 9am PST/12pm EST/5pm CET (view in your time zone). Each live session will include 60-90 minutes of instruction, followed by Q&A.

NOTE: When you enroll early, you will not gain access to the course and community until Jan. 1st (one week before the course starts on Jan 8th). However, by securing an early spot you will get INSTANT ACCESS to our full 📚 Work Less Library and 👥 Live Guest Lectures.

How much time will the program take?

Expect to attend two live sessions per week, each running for approx. 90 minutes, plus Q&A. Additionally there will be important assignments between sessions, but they won't take more than 1-2 hours a week. So, expect 5 hours a week for 4 weeks. If you can make time to binge a whole season of Netflix, you can make time to attend two powerful sessions a week with me.

What does the weekly schedule look like?

Do I have to attend the live sessions?

Not at all. Two-thirds of our previous students watched at least one session as a replay. You’ll be able to access all of the live session replays in our course portal. You can even watch them at 2x speed if you prefer. 😜

How long will I have access to the course?

Students have access to live sessions, lesson replays, program materials, and community for 12 months. Why 12 months? We want you to get results. Often with "lifetime" programs, there is no urgency, so people fail to take action. If you do not plan to complete the curriculum within the next 12 months, do not enroll.

What happens when I enroll early?

Students who enroll early get 4 huge benefits:

1. Take advantage of limited Early Enrollment pricing ($1,000 off)

2. Ensure they are guaranteed a spot in the next cohort.

3. Planning ahead and blocking out time on their calendar for the sessions.

4. Unlock INSTANT ACCESS to our 📚 Work Less Library & 👥 Guest Workshops.

Note: When you enroll early, you will not gain access to the full course and community until January 1st (one week before the live cohort starts).

Do you have a refund policy?

Yes! Rich's 100% Satisfaction Guarantee ensures your participation is risk-free. If you join us for the lessons, complete the assignments, and still don’t find the program valuable, drop us an email and we'll happily refund your full payment within 15 days of the first lesson (before Jan. 23).

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes! We offer generous payment plans for our students. You have the option to pay in 6 installments if you're unable to pay the full amount up front. Please note: We offer these plans as a service to our students. You are obligated to make all program payments if you select the payment plan option.

How do I get the 📚 Work Less Library?

New for this cohort, we are offering INSTANT ACCESS to the 📚 Work Less Library of self-study trainings to all Early Bird students. You will gain access to the Work Less Library immediately upon securing your spot.

Will I have private sessions with Rich?

No. The good news is you’ll have plenty of chances to ask Rich questions directly during Q&A and during async Office Hours. If you’re interested in the additional support and results that working directly with Rich provides, select our Executive plan (limited quantity!).

Is this a business expense?

It might be! Always consult with your accountant, bookkeeper, or tax professional, but many business owners and solopreneurs have been able to write off online education, such as How To Work Less, as business education or training expenses. We are happy to assist you and provide documentation with this process.   

Can't I just figure this out on my own?

Sure! I did. All of this information is available for free online ... somewhere. What you might not realize, is that it took me about 5 years to learn and distill these insights. Here's what I did:

  • Read 100s of books on productivity, business, and psychology.
  • Watched thousands of hours of YouTube videos.
  • Paid $1,000/hour for business coaching.
  • Made a bunch of mistakes, lost money, lost time, and learned some lessons the hard way.

So, what are you paying for then?

  • The correct steps, in the correct order.
  • My systems, tools, templates, strategies, and resources.
  • My expert coaching and guidance.

I have more questions about the program. Who should I talk to?

Send an email to and we will get back you ASAP!

I am obsessed with How to Work Less. Rich's course is an unbelievable value - the takeaways can be applied to any entrepreneur's journey. I have always felt that others had some sort of secret roadmap that I was missing out on, to grow revenue and scale a business. This course has outlined all the steps needed to maximize revenue, minimize time spent and improve productivity. How to Work Less is more useful than my college business classes were, and is one of the rare online courses I followed through on, from start to finish. I can see myself revisiting and referencing the lessons in the future. The guides and easy-to-implement templates were icing on the cake. I already have recommended it to clients, and will continue to be a proponent for Rich & his offerings!

- Claire Perkins, Luxury Brand Designer, Claireperk LLC

Your Work Less Transformation

Before 🤦

50+ Hour Weeks

Dreading Pointless Meetings 🤝

Always Thinking About Work 😖

Constant Interruptions 💬

Saying “Yes” To Everything 😓

Chasing Low Profit Work 💸

Tolerating Bad Clients 😡

Doing Everything Yourself 😩

Never Having Enough Time 🕠

Repeating Boring Tasks 🔁

Struggling To Focus 🎯

Doing 20 Jobs At Once 🤹

Built Yourself A Bad Job 💼

🏖 After

😌 20 Hour Weeks

🗓 Wide Open Calendar

🏝 Weekends Without Worry

✋ Clear Boundaries

👎 Saying “No” By Default

🤑 Highly Profitable Projects

😇 More Of Your Best Clients

👥 Delegating To A Trusted Team

🕰 Time And Energy To Spare

✅ Systems That Work For You

🧠 Focused, Joyful Work

😍 Doing Only The Work You Love

💭 The Business Of Your Dreams


Don't Buy This If...

👤 You have a boss.

This program is built for people who are self-employed (or working towards it). The last thing I want to do is teach you how to halve your work hours, and then have you still have to sit at a desk from 9-5 anyway.

⏰ You don't have control over your time.

How To Work Less is all about freedom and flexibility, and if you can’t set your own schedule, you’ll have a hard time getting the benefits. 

⚖️ You're not ready to change.

Running a lifestyle business requires learning how to say "No." You will have difficult tradeoffs. You will prioritize freedom and flexibility over growth. You will say "No" to things that seem good, because they are not great. It will test you, but you will have plenty of support.

🤷 You love being busy.

Some people love being busy. They thrive in emergencies, chaos, and craziness. They say yes to everything. This course is not for them.

💰 You're not making money yet.

If you’re not making money yet, working less is not your problem. This course can come later. This course is for people who are earning revenue as a solopreneur, and are ready to create the business of their dreams.

✍️ You're not ready to do the work.

If you can make time to binge a whole season of Netflix, you can make time to attend 8 powerful sessions with me. I’ve packaged this course to be as potent, efficient, and effective as possible, but there is one missing ingredient: your commitment. If you don't watch the lessons and put in the work upfront, you won't get the results.

This Course is For:

🙋 Solopreneurs

👩‍🦳 Freelancers

👩‍🎨 Creators

👩‍💻 Founders

🧑‍🏫 Educators

🏅 Coaches

🎤 Speakers

🚀 Entrepreneurs

🎨 Artists

📚 Authors

👨‍💻 Designers

⚙️ Developers

✍️ Bloggers

🎙 Podcasters

👩‍💼 Consultants

🧑‍💼 Business owners

💪 Trainers

⚖️ Lawyers

👨‍💼 Experts

🤳 Influencers

👋 You!

Basically, anyone with full control over their time and decisions.

This course has ALL the answers to my Solopreneur problems. I have been looking for a structured approach to managing my solo business and to free myself from the day to day of my business without sacrificing quality. This course literally has all the answers. The 4 weeks are like an upload of 5-10 years of experience. No way I could've figured all that out by myself in that short amount of time. The assignments are short but effective. The lessons are engaging and exciting. I would have paid 5x for this course if I knew what was waiting for me on the other side. I have already started to restructure my business and reduced at least 2 hours of work a day by working more effectively and focused. I know it will only get better from here on out as I continue to apply my learnings.

- Alperen Topay, Product Design Consultant

Learn To
Work Less

When you take action to enroll today, you'll get:


8 Unforgettable LIVE Lessons with Rich Webster, beginning January 8th


21 EXCLUSIVE Notion templates, checklists, and exercises to ensure you get results.


12 MONTH ACCESS to all course materials


12 MONTH ACCESS to the Work Less Community.


A failproof system to work less.


ALL of my systems, tools, templates, frameworks, and strategies that you can't get anywhere else!


$5,000 Worth Of Bonuses

including bonus lesson!


Your own Profitable Lifestyle Business.

Secure Your Spot Now

Enroll in our 🔴 LIVE January 8th Cohort.

Limited seats are remaining.




🎬 Live Experience - Eight LIVE interactive workshops with Rich.

🏖 The Work Less System - All of our proprietary Strategies, Tools, Templates, Frameworks, and Systems you can't get anywhere else!

🧰 Notion Toolkit - Including 21 Notion templates, lesson summaries, worksheets, exercises, and more!

⏰ Weekly Office Hours - Four async office hours sessions with Rich.

📚 INSTANT ACCESS: The Work Less Library - Self-study deep dive mini-course library.

👥 INSTANT ACCESS: Guest Workshops - Advanced workshops with subject matter experts.

⭕️ 12 month access to the HTWL Circle Community

📸 12 month access to this cohort's recordings and program materials

🎁 ALL Bonuses - Including 32 bonus resources and bonus LIVE session

$1999* $3,000

or 6 payments of $375

*$500 partner discount applied




🥇 EVERYTHING in Premium ⬅️

🧠 VIP Mentorship Package
12 Months of Mentorship, Implementation & Consulting with Rich

Package includes:
📝 2 Hour Full Immersion Strategy & Planning Session with Rich
🗓 Weekly Office Hours Calls
☎️ 1:1 Async Hotline to Rich

✅ FREE access to ALL future live cohorts

$10,000 $15,000

payment plans available

Secure Your Spot Now

Enroll in our 🔴 LIVE January 8th Cohort.

Limited seats are remaining.




🎬 Live Experience - Eight LIVE interactive workshops with Rich.

🏖 The Work Less System - All of our proprietary Strategies, Tools, Templates, Frameworks, and Systems you can't get anywhere else!

🧰 Notion Toolkit - Including 21 Notion templates, lesson summaries, worksheets, exercises, and more!

⏰ Weekly Office Hours - Four async office hours sessions with Rich.

📚 INSTANT ACCESS: The Work Less Library - Self-study deep dive mini-course library.

👥 INSTANT ACCESS: Guest Workshops - Advanced workshops with subject matter experts.

⭕️ 12 month access to the HTWL Circle Community

📸 12 month access to this cohort's recordings and program materials

🎁 ALL Bonuses - Including 32 bonus resources and bonus LIVE session

$1999* $3,000

or 6 payments of $375

*$500 partner discount applied




🥇 EVERYTHING in Premium ⬅️

🧠 VIP Mentorship Package
12 Months of Mentorship, Implementation & Consulting with Rich

Package includes:
📝 2 Hour Full Immersion Strategy & Planning Session with Rich
🗓 Weekly Office Hours Calls
☎️ 1:1 Async Hotline to Rich

✅ FREE access to ALL future live cohorts

$10,000 $15,000

payment plans available

🏖 How To Work Less

Transform your solo business into a profitable lifestyle business in four weeks! with Rich Webster

Enroll Now!

Still on the fence?

If you have any questions about the course, send a message to and we'll get back to you promptly!